Where I live, in a college town at the foothills of the rocky mountains, there are some wacky goings-on. Tootsie Rolls made out of hash available down the street. $16 fried chicken (the best that will ever pass your lips, I swear.) A privately owned DVD rental store, in a brick building and everything. Olympic athletes on the elliptical at the local gym.
My most common response to hearing about new happenings is "Well, you'll have that."
And then I read about something new, something completely out of the ordinary, something I had never, ever heard of before.
My people: here in Boulder, Colorado, home to both the Psychic Horizons Center and the atomic clock, you can finally pay your hard-earned money to sit in a room made of salt. Your kids can even play in it! All at the low, low price of $1 per minute. Or, if you're looking for an even greater value, you can sit in a room made of salt as often as you'd like for $150/month, debited from the account of your choice.
Well, you'll have that.
My most common response to hearing about new happenings is "Well, you'll have that."
And then I read about something new, something completely out of the ordinary, something I had never, ever heard of before.
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http://www.saltspacolorado.com/index.html |
Well, you'll have that.
Thats hilarious, just when you think you've heard it all....