Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Wall of Sane, Vintage Edition

Dior boucle suit in my size.

It's perfect.
Total savings: $1,129 plus s/h.
It's a steal at that price, too.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wall of Sane, Boyfriend Edition

Cashmere bathrobe, Neiman Marcus. Sorry, baby.

Today's savings: $950, including s/h.
Upside: that'll buy a lot of other Christmas gifts.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wall of Sane

Welcome to a new Reluctant Adult feature: The Wall of Sane: Stuff I Want but Don't Buy Because I Am More Responsible Than That.

Today's sanity: Rhinebeck Boots
Today's savings: $448 plus $19.95 s/h

And thank you very much to Maia for the idea.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


After six weeks of yoga nearly every day (after the 30 days, I skipped exactly two) I was finally able to lift both feet off the ground in Crow pose in a controlled, non-jumpy and non-topple-over manner. It. Felt. Great. And it was suddenly easy. Handstands, here I come!