Tuesday, October 12, 2010

30 consecutive days of yoga, day 14

It was cold and rainy and dark this morning, and it took everything I had to leave my house and my dog for the yoga studio. Honestly, if I weren't blogging about this every day, I would have skipped it. I would have given up. But for some reason, I feel accountable now. At least to my mom.

I was frustrated in class today. Tired, very low on energy, and I had a hard time following the instructor's flow. As much as I don't want this to be about reviewing instructors, I have to say at least that I really don't want to hear Michael Jackson in yoga. I just don't.

Last night I had a dream I haven't had in a really long time. I was getting ready to teach a dance class and had forgotten my music. It was in my garage, all dusty, and I didn't have time to go get it. The class I was about to teach was composed of people tucked into beds, all cozy. The studio owner told me that there would be a few hours before I had to plug in because there were other events before mine. 

What happened: I'm glad I went. It was a good opportunity to practice acceptance.


  1. micael jackson? you have to be kidding. see, this is why i don't go to health clubs or these kind of classes. why do they even need to play music? it's a yoga class...not a break dancing class.

  2. I agree with the fella: No Jacko.

    But, I do give you the grandest of applause for getting out of bed this morning when you really didn't have to.

    I would have offered my savings to sleep in with the rain today.


  3. I really enjoy music in Yoga... but agree, MJ is maybe not the best selection for most folks.
