Wednesday, October 27, 2010

30 consecutive days of yoga, day 29

I know, the suspense is mounting! Will she do it? Will she continue? What kinds of important and life-changing insights has she had? I'm just as interested to find out.

I did an image search for "suspense yoga" and this was one of the results.

In the meantime, today I took a hot power fusion class. I wanted to sweat out the beef marrow I ate last night with my fella. The fact that we can enthusiastically share marrow bones is further proof that we belong together, by the way.

I realized that while I can certainly see the benefits in still poses, the flow is what I really love. Which is no surprise considering that I would rather dance than do just about anything else. Also, weirdly, I was barely sweating at all even though the room was near 100 degrees. I'm thinking my system loved that marrow so much that it wants to hang on to it.

What happened: My butt muscle has stopped hurting. Huzzah!

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